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My son Quinn and I started climbing the New Hampshire 48 4000 footers in August of 2014 and completed our adventure in September of 2015. This blog provides details from each of our hikes. Check out our Trailwrights 72 blog to see what we're currently up to!

Saturday, July 11, 2015


Total trip duration: 4:43:21
Distance: 10 miles
Hikers: Vance and Quinn
4000 footer completion count: Mount Carrigain #30 (4,700 feet)

Our hike today was an out-and-back on the Signal Ridge trail.  The weather was glorious and Quinn was really charged up for the trek!

The first couple miles were very easy going and it was all I could do to keep up with Quinn!

We hiked along Whiteface Brook for about a mile.  The forest was enchanted with the earthy scents of summer and the sounds of rushing water.  The Signal Ridge trail split left and the hike continued it's gentle climb.

After a while, the trail got steeper and as the footing changed we transitioned from coasting along on soft earth to dancing from rock to rock.

As I caught up to Quinn, he was marveling at the drip-drop sounds made by the water trickling onto rock through the forest floor:

The views from the ridge were truly exquisite.  

We both had a difficult time pulling ourselves away to continue to the peak.

Beyond the ridge, you can see the tower at the peak of Carrigain:

Atop the tower we were surrounded by spellbinding views in all directions.  A Ranger from the US Forest Service at the summit thought it might be possible to see 46 of the 48 NH 4000 footers from the tower.  Incredible!  These were unquestionably some of the most fantastic views we've seen on our journey to date.

Quinn's always on the lookout for these log foot bridges along the trail:

Each hike we do I'm hearing more and more "Is that your son?  He's waiting up the trail."  He really loves to fly up and down the trails but he's very patient waiting for his old man too!

What an all around great hike!  We met a lot of great folks out on the trail today and had some great conversations.  I still can't get over the spectacular views we had on the ridge and from the tower.  

It was a whole lot warmer on the way down than on the way up.  Fortunately, the ice cold waters of Whiteface Brook were there to cool us off.  What an exceptional day!

Quinn's Take

My dad and I decided our next hike would be Mt. Carrigan.  It was a simple 10 mile hike up and down and it had very good views.  The trail required a lot of ankle strength because it was extremely rocky!  As we made our way up, the trail zigzagged up the mountain.  Half way up there was a rock face in the sunshine where I took a break and lied in the sun.  There was a rock with a bunch of moss on it and I saw water dripping down off of it.  The sound was very peaceful!

At the top there was a tall tower where we ate lunch.  You could see 46 of the 48 4,000 footers! We met a nice couple who took our picture.  The descent was more difficult than the ascent because of the rocks.  I thought we had a great hike and I would like to hike this mountain again!

Happy Trails!

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